Sunday, January 17, 2010

So....I guess Ive "won"'s a bitter irony how some things we want for so long happen in the worst possible context...I got over one wanting for so long to be over her,and to fall for one better and it happened twofold.after I got over how is it that I've finnally gotten exactly what I wanted with her something open as so now to get hurt...with another. And moreover to fall for someone surprisingly like me after all this falls into place is...a bitter sense of timing to say the least but now what? I don't want to hurt you but I don't know what it is I have anychance of let alone what I want let alone what we need to sure I'll figure something out because...there's nt a future I can't see you both in

Friday, October 23, 2009

Christmas season

Merry Christmas to everyone....three days left and not much to do around the house...not much on my mind...the past few days pretty simple...spent the last day of classes for 2009 working on school play